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22 February, 2011

Iran’s Atomic Plant

In recent weeks two announcements from Tehran have jolted the West. First came the news that the Bushire atomic plant has started working. The plant has been set up with Russian help and will generate electricity which Iran needs to depend on to save and sell more oil which remains the major source of its revenue. The US-led West initially opposed the Iranian effort and put a lot of pressure on Moscow to scrap the deal. Now the US has said that the Bushire atomic plant does not pose any security threat to the world.

The second news emanating from Tehran has disturbed the West in the true sense of the word. Tehran has declared and displayed a pilot-less fighter plane which it claims its scientists and engineers have developed indigenously. This has especially alarmed Israel and the West. They feel frustrated that Iran is marching ahead in the field of science and technology despite their opposition and sanctions.

Iran has witnessed a lot of upheavals in the last three decades. Ever since its Islamic Revolution of 1979, it has faced all kinds of problems. In the first place several attempts were made to sabotage the revolution from within and without. Its president, prime minister, chief justice and several members of parliament were killed in one incidence of bombing. Then Iraq imposed on it the murderous eight-year war which killed over a million people on both sides and severely damaged their economies. Equally devastating was Iran’s international isolation brought about by the US efforts. The international isolation coupled with economic sanctions and arms embargo was intended to cripple Tehran economically and militarily. The choice before Iran was either to surrender before the West or stand up and be counted. Tehran bravely opted for defiance of the West and has been working hard to be self sufficient economically and militarily. They have faced all kinds of difficulties in achieving what they are proudly displaying today. A heightened sense of purpose, perseverance and hard work are the qualities which have helped Iran in its scientific endeavours. Others desiring to be self-reliant would be well-advised to follow the Iranian example.

Today Iran is one of the top 20 economies of the world and has made remarkable progress in science, technology and weapons development. It is amazing to note how Iran has achieved all these against tough sanction and embargo regimes? The answer lies in the fact that a proud and self respecting nation rediscovers its latent capabilities when it feels under threat from all over. Tehran has exactly done the same to emerge as a regional power in the middle east. Earlier they were dependent on the US but after 1979 they began to exercise and apply their own mind, and the results are here for everyone to see.

Obviously the US-led West would not take the Iranian achievements lying down. They would surely double their efforts to create problems for Tehran. In the days to come Tehran’s leadership qualities will be severely tested. One hopes that they pass the lest.

The neighbouring Arab nations are also on trial now. In the past the West has successfully played them against one another and there exists a strong possibility that it might adopt the same strategy again. Both Iran and the Arab countries must behave as mature nations and must talk to one another continuously, so that the US-led West would not be able to get them involved in a devastating, fruitless war.

The Arabs continue to be dependent upon the West for everything. The West exploits the Arab dependence on it to generate tension in the region which ultimately paves the way for its intervention. The possibility is that Iran would be projected as a threat to both Israel as well as the Arab nations. That would be time for the Arabs to exhibit maturity and leadership quality. If the Arabs genuinely feel that Tehran has become a threat to them, their option should be to rely more on themselves than the US or the West.

What prevents the Arabs from going the Iranian way? Even now they can make plans to achieve excellence in science and technology which may enable them to launch their own weapons development programmes. They ought to realize that they are as much gifted with mental wealth as the Iranians or Americans are. If they want to ward off threats, perceived or real, they must abandon their reliance on others including the Americans and try to stand on their own feet. And to begin the journey towards this magnificent goal, they must invest in scientific and technological education. This will bring about inner strength which is the best defence against external threats.

Recently some Arab nations, especially the Saudi Kingdom, have shown remarkable interest in education. The Kingdom is investing greatly in scientific and technological education. However, it is not clear if they are paying equally vital attention to primary and secondary education, for these are the nurseries which will produce the talents for the high-profile universities the Kingdom is setting up. Anyway, the Kingdom’s approach is right and if it continues with such judicious and independent policies, it would ultimately become a great nation in the real sense of the world.

The Saudi Kingdom’s political importance in the region has never been in doubt. The days ahead are going to test its ledership qualities as well. Its relations with Iran have been both hostile and cordial. At the moment the two nations understand each other and have direct contacts. In the larger interest of the Ummah, the two regional powers must increase and heighten their mutual relationship and communication. Here Iran needs to take the initiative to visit Arab capitals to remove their apprehensions and assure that its weapons development programme is not directed against them. On their parts, the Arabs need to take steps to be self reliant and make rapid advancements in science and technology education.

{August, 2010}

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