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26 November, 2009

America: Threat to Pakistan

It has emerged from Pakistan that its people see America, its brazen interference especially, as a bigger threat than the Taliban against whom their army has been waging a relentless war for over a month. This public opinion has developed in Pakistan despite massive US aid to the country. When analysed objectively, the opinion of the Pakistanis seems to be absolutely right.

The question before the Pakistanis is not whether Taliban’s outlook and approach to life and society are right or wrong. Taliban’s ideology is no doubt extremist which most Pakistanis would not approve of. Moreover, they would have sorted out their ideological aberrations as well as extremism by arguing with them with a more balanced view of Islam. The unfortunate development is that Taliban have become a military problem. In fact, the short-righted American policies have converted Taliban’s ideological extremism into a big military and strategic headache.

Taliban, whether in Pakistan or Afghanistan, are a by-product of wrong American-Pakistani policies. A bit of exploration into the modern history of Afghanistan and Pakistan’s North-Western Frontier Province is essential to understand this point.

Compelled by its need and desire to have access to the warm waters, Soviet Union began to increase its influence in the Middle East that included Afghanistan also. To their dismay, they discovered that the Americans were alert everywhere except in Afghanistan. Capitalising on the American absence, they first overthrew the monarchy and installed a communist government. And when their stooges failed they occupied the country to rule with guns, tanks and fighter planes.

In response to the Russian occupation of Afghanistan the Americans raised the army of the Mujahideen with Pakistani and Sandi help. Ultimately the Americans emerged victorious in this proxy battle of the cold war era. But they committed a blunder when they swiftly ‘left’ Afghanistan immediately after the disgraceful Russian withdrawal from there.

Devastated by the war, Afghanistan needed a stable government and generous help to rebuild itself. The American blunder or selfishness deprived them of any such opportunity. Infighting erupted among the victorious Mujahideen shattering people’s hope of political stability and economic development. Meanwhile there arose Taliban with Pakistan’s help. The Taliban were also helped by the Arab-Islamic Mujahideen who had refused to leave Afghanistan fearing operation from the authorities of their respective countries. Many such Arab-Islamic Mujahideen had joined the Afghanistan’s Jihad at American invitation and persuasion. They felt betrayed by the Americans and as result decided to punish it. Thus happened the 9/11.

Apparently Afghanistan is the last victim of the cold war era. They had not done any wrong to Russia and yet it attacked and ravaged their country. The ongoing war on terror has further destroyed the already ravaged country. Instead of learning a lesson from the Russian defeat, the Americans set out to occupy the unconquerable and, as a result, are facing the music today.

The problem with the Americans is that they think that they are better than all others and far more intelligent than any individual or group of people. This erroneous self-perception prompted them to force Pakistan to pursue a hot policy in its North Western Frontier Province. Thus the Pakistan army is today involved in fighting against its own people. The sad aspect of the whole affair is that they have not chosen this war, rather America has imposed it on them. Thus what Pakistan had created as an asset for itself has been converted in to a big headache by the US.

The people of Pakistan have seen these developments with their naked eyes. They have seen how the Americans have arm twisted their rulers to adopt a policy which is harmful to Pakistan. This is the reason that they see the US, not only as the main culprit, but also as the greatest threat to their country.

People of a country are the main source of its strength. The Pakistanis, therefore, need to realize that only they can solve their multiple problems including the one called America. Meanwhile New Delhi should draw satisfaction from the fact that the Pakistanis no longer think that India was a major threat to their country. India occupies third place in their threat perception. This relegation to third position deserves to be welcome and appreciated.

[November, 2009]

1 comment:

Mirza Rahil Beg said...

My understanging of Taliban problem or for that matter tamil problem is that it is of deprivation,poverty and inherent human psyche to assert oneself.It is just a incidence that they happen to be muslims and that too practising muslims in one case and tamil hindus in other case.Many armed struggles are going on all around the world.On deeper anlysis it will be found that it is imbalance of power and socio-economic reasons that are propelling people to raise arms.for any struggle to unite people, idealogical sloganeering is required.Groups and their leaders pick those idealogical arguments which suit them according to location and area of operation.And idealogy with which affected people can identify easily themselves.It could be any thing from radical communism to islam.Instead cursing these idealogies and groups,world must try to remove alinietion and deprivation.